Friday, 2 September 2011
Ss është shkronja e 26-të alfabetit (Ss is the 26th letter of the alphabet)
Spe - ci (Pepper)
Piper zakonisht është me të vërtetë djegëse (Pepper is usually really spicy)
RR është letra e 25 e alfabetit (RRrr is the 25th letter of the alphabet)
RRu - shi (Grapes)
Rrushit janë një lloj i frutave (Grapes are a type of fruit)
Rr është letrën 24 të alfabetit (Rr is the 24th letter of the alphabet)
Ra - ke - ta (Rocket)
Raketa janë quajtur edhe anijet hapësirë (Rockets are also called space shuttles)
Qq është shkronja e 23-të alfabetit (Qq is the 23rd letter of the alphabet)
Qe - ni (Dog)
Disa njerëz mbajnë qen si kafshët shtëpiake (Some people keep dogs as pets)
Monday, 29 August 2011
Pp është shkronja e 22 e alfabetit (Pp is the 22nd letter of the alphabet)
Pu - la (Chicken)
Pula është një lloj zogu që nuk fluturojnë (A chicken is a type of bird that doesn't fly)
Oo është shkronja e 21 e alfabetit (Oo is the 21st letter of the alphabet)
O - ra (Clock)
Orët janë përdorur për të treguar kohën (Clocks are used to tell the time)
NJ është shkronja e njëzetë e alfabetit (NJ is the twentieth letter of the alphabet)
Nje - rëz (People)
Jane gjashtë miliard njerëz në Tokë (There is about six billion people on Earth)
Nn është shkronja e nëntëmbëdhjetë e alfabetit (Nn is the nineteenth letter of the alphabet)
Në - ntë (Nine)
Unë isha nëntë vjeç dy vjet më parë (I was nine years old two years ago)
Mm është shkronja e tetëmbëdhjetë e alfabetit (Mm is the eighteenth letter of the alphabet)
Mo - lla (Apple)
Mollat janë një lloj i frutave (Apples are a type of fruit)
LLll është shkronja e shtatëmbëdhjetë e alfabetit (LLll is the seventeenth letter of the alphabet)
LLa - mba (Lamp)
Llampat përdoren per ndricim (Lamps are used to light up places)
Ll është shkronja e gjashtëmbëdhjetë e alfabetit (is the sixteenth letter of the alphabet)
Lu - let (Flowers)
Njerëzit zakonisht japin lule njeritjetrit (Usually people give flowers to each other)
Kk është shkronja e pesëmbëdhjetë e alfabetit (Kk is the fifteenth letter of the alphabet)
Ka - tër (Four)
Shumica e kafsheve i kan kater kembe (The majority of animals have four legs)
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Jj është shkronja e katërmbëdhjetë e alfabetit (Jj is the fourteenth letter of the alphabet)
Ja - gu - a - ri (Jaguar)
Jaguari është një mace e egër (A jaguar is a wild cat)
Ii është shkronja e trembëdhjetë të alfabetit (Ii is the thirteenth letter of the alphabet)
In - di - ani (Indian)
Indianët janë quajtur edhe amerikanët vendas (Indians were also called native americans)
H është dymbëdhjetë shkronja të alfabetit (h is the twelve letter of the alphabet)
Hu - ti (Owl)
Huti bënë gjumë vetëm gjatë ditës (Owls only sleep during the day)
GJgj është shkronja e njëmbëdhjetë e alfabetit (GJgj is the eleventh letter of the alphabet)
GJar - -pri (Snake)
Disa gjarpërinjtë kanë helm në to (Some snakes have poison in them)
Friday, 26 August 2011
Gg është shkronja e dhjetë e alfabetit (G is the tenth letter of the alphabet)
Go - ma - ri (Donkey)
Ne disa vende, njerezite e perdorin goamarin per bartje te mallrave (In some countrys people use donkeys to carry stuff)
Ff është shkronja e nëntë e alfabetit (F is the ninth letter of the alphabet)
Fi - to - re (Victory)
Shqiptaret nga Kosova arriten fitore ne luften kundra Okupatorit Serb (Kosovar Albanians achived victory , in the war against the Serbs)
Ëë është shkronja e tetë e alfabetit (Ëë is the eighth letter of the alphabet)
Ë - mbël - si - ra (Cake)
Ëmbëlsira jepen zakonisht për ditëlindjen e dikujt (Cakes are usually given for someone's birthday)
Ee është shkronja e shtatë e alfabetit (E is the seventh letter of he alphabet)
E - le - fa - nti (Elephant)
Elefantët janë një lloj të kafshëve (Elephants are a type of animal)
Thursday, 25 August 2011
DHdh është shkronja e gjashtë e të alfabetit (DH is the sixth letter of the alphabet)
DHu - ra - ta (Presents)
Shumica e njerëzve marrin dhurata për Krishtlindje(Most people get presents for Christmas)
Dd është shkronja e pestë alfabetit (d is the fifth letter of the alphabet)
Do - ra (Hand)
Çdo njeri ka dy duar (Every person has two hands)
Çç është shkronja e katërt e alfabetit
Çe - lë - si (key)
Çelësi perdohret per te qel the mbyllurë dyert (keys are usually used for opening and closing doors)
Cc është shkronja e tretë e alfabetit (c is the third letter of the alphabet)
Cuc - lla (Dummy)
Cuclla qetëson fëmiun e bezdisur (A dummy relaxes an upset baby)
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Bb është shkronja e dytë e alfabetit (B is the second letter of the alphabet)
Ba - ba - di - mri (Father Christmas)
Babadimri u jep dhurata femijve te gjithe botes per Krishtlindje.(Father Christmas gives presents to children around the world for Christmas)
Aa është shkrojna e parë e alfabetit (A is the first letter of the alphabet)
A a
A - e - ro - pla - ni (Aeroplane)
Une shkoje ne pushime ne Kosove me aeroplan. (I go on holiday to Kosova by aeroplane sometimes)
Alfabeti ne Gjuhen shqipe
I attend an Albanian language class which is run by BAKC, on Sundays at Haverstock secondary school. I am going to write the letters of the Albanian alphebet with pictures and examples. I will write it in English and Albanian to help you. I will do this evey day with 4 of the letters each day until i've finished all of the alphebet.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Flija, a traditional kosovar dish (flija, një gjellë tradicionale kosovare)
How to make Flija
'Basically it is layers upon layers of buttery, flaky goodness make in a giant round pan'
First you make a big ball of butter mixture like you would make pancakes(warm water, flour and salt to taste). Then on another ball make a mixture of yogurt, good quality butter and double cream . Then you start with a big oven tray, by warming it up in the oven, with a tiny bit of oil on it.
You start dropping pancakes all over the tray, put it back in the high heat oven. When it is cooked enough to eat take it out and spread the yogurt mixture all over the scattered pancakes, then another layer of pancakes on top of the yogurt mixture and then off it goes in the oven again to be cooked and then once it is cooked again take it out, another layer of yogurt mixture goes on top of the butter mixture, cook it and carry on until the oven tray is full of yummy yogurt pancakes you repeat this until it is nice and thick...
Believe me it is the best dish ever, you should all try it; to know what I really mean...
How nice to be able to be Kosovar and be able to taste food as yummy as this.
'Basically it is layers upon layers of buttery, flaky goodness make in a giant round pan'
First you make a big ball of butter mixture like you would make pancakes(warm water, flour and salt to taste). Then on another ball make a mixture of yogurt, good quality butter and double cream . Then you start with a big oven tray, by warming it up in the oven, with a tiny bit of oil on it.
You start dropping pancakes all over the tray, put it back in the high heat oven. When it is cooked enough to eat take it out and spread the yogurt mixture all over the scattered pancakes, then another layer of pancakes on top of the yogurt mixture and then off it goes in the oven again to be cooked and then once it is cooked again take it out, another layer of yogurt mixture goes on top of the butter mixture, cook it and carry on until the oven tray is full of yummy yogurt pancakes you repeat this until it is nice and thick...
Believe me it is the best dish ever, you should all try it; to know what I really mean...
How nice to be able to be Kosovar and be able to taste food as yummy as this.
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